Why Should You Choose Us?

Why Should You Choose Us?

New applications for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases are emerging in direct proportion to the constantly developing technology. Noticeable progress has also been made in the field of nuclear medicine, especially in the last 10 years.

Nowadays, not only medical oncology, radiation oncology, or surgical methods are considered in cancer treatment, but also nuclear medicine methods are becoming more common in the diagnosis-treatment of cancer.

It is observed in scientific studies that theranostic applications, which are a relatively new application area of ​​nuclear medicine, give positive results especially in some advanced stage cancer types. Theranostic diagnosis-treatment methods are successfully applied in our country after The USA and European countries such as Germany and England.

Turkey, in comparison to many European countries, is one of the leading countries in the field of theranostics applications. Diagnosis and treatment methods in this field can be applied in our country simultaneously with the world. Turkey’s close follow-up all the developments in the medical field and its advantageous location, has made it an important treatment destination for international patients. Even in developed countries such as The UK, access to these treatments is limited. Many patients can only access these applications by waiting for a long time and at very high costs.

MNT’s Difference in Theranostic Applications

As MNT, which has been providing professional management solutions in the field of nuclear medicine and radiation oncology to healthcare organizations since 1990, we are constantly improving our 30 years of experience with new diagnosis-treatment methods and the latest technology. In nuclear medicine and radiation oncology field, we have many firsts in Turkey, sample applications in to lead the industry with the most current and modern cancer patients “nuclear medicine-radiation oncology” We provide the access to diagnosis and treatment methods.

We carried our experience and expertise in nuclear medicine-radiation oncology into the field of theranostic. We aim to provide cancer patients with access to theranostic diagnosis-treatment methods with an optimum quality-cost balance. In the world, we successfully implement all of the methods applied in this field in health institutions with JCI accreditation.

The fact that our healthcare staff, experienced physicians and patients, who are trained by an American expert team, can access all theranostic practices through a single channel, puts us ahead in this field. Compared to our peers abroad, we are pleased to offer the same quality service to patients at a more accessible cost, and to support both patients and physicians with our high potential.

Intheranostics.com; It is the service point of MNT in the digital platform. With this application, we aim to provide information about theranostic methods, to manage the diagnosis-treatment process in the best way and to guide both patients and physicians in this sense.

With Intheranostics.com;

√ We offer our experience and knowledge to the service of patients and physicians. With our long years of experience and knowledge in the field of nuclear medicine and radiation oncology, we create an accurate and reliable platform for both patients and physicians.

√ We provide personalized, targeted treatment. It handles cancer diagnosis-treatment with a personalized approach; We offer the right patient, at the right time, with the right dose, the right target-oriented treatment.

√ Thanks to our expert team, we manage the process perfectly. We ensure that every step of the application is carried out in a flawless flow with our expert and experienced health team.

√ We offer diagnosis and treatment opportunities in certified health centers. We work with the most respected and competent health institutions in their field. We carry out diagnosis and treatments in JCI accredited institutions whose standards are developed by healthcare professionals worldwide and tested all over the world.

√ We are based on superior service quality. We act with the principle of superior service and high quality at every stage of the process with our patient-oriented approach. In addition to medical services, we also provide additional services such as transportation, accommodation and translation at the same quality.

√ We offer high quality diagnosis-treatment at a more affordable cost. We take care to offer all theranostic applications with the same quality as our counterparts in America and Europe but at a more accessible cost.